Avoid Seznam.cz scam emails targeting creators

hey so here is uh i just want to share with you in case you are doing youtube i often receive this uh letters from sasam.csat uh like good morning we have a very interesting youtube channel that we would like to use to promote our products valve uh the steam deck is a fully functional gaming pc designed by valves that helps you take your favorite games with you wherever you go and then they just send these offers from like you know some big companies from stripe however it is clearly that this is not stripe so in the beginning i was like naive and i saw this is a valid offer uh so then i just uh yeah message them and then what happens is they just sent me some like you know file some archive usually which i need to download and then that archive is under password i ask them the password they send it sometimes this password works sometimes it doesn't and then you just have that and then even if the password works there is some exa file which can easily be a virus or some other archive or some other file which is not opening and this communication can last for for ages and they often ask you to hey add us on whatsapp or add us on skype so usually if you have that it means it's it can be a scam so just be really careful i'm just advising for you if you're doing youtube that you need to be careful with it so yeah that's the idea um that's uh how uh how it works so just be double careful if you see this email domain says num dot sees that uh just avoid that and then uh yeah you can because usually it can be a scam or something like that so yeah hope is this advice is helpful because yeah don't don't use it don't spend don't waste your time however they are offering these terms that that can they can pay you like eight hundred dollars uh uh yet for this collaboration and they can buy you more in ads and all of that but uh yep usually it never ends anywhere as i understand so it can be a scam so that's just my experience

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