Bitstamp crypto exchange app overview

hello so here is bitstamp app which is a crypto exchange app so to install it on iphone just tap get um and yeah and then you can just use your face id or touch id to install it and there are four point ak ratings and then you can just tap open [Music] and there you have it so let's try to create a new account and then they just sent me some email yes an email from bin stamp so then i just can complete my registration then i just need to enter some password then i just need to set up some pin and there you have it and now i just created my account so that's how you create an account in bitfinex and there you have it so yeah if you want to contact support you can just do it here [Music] here is a dashboard you can see gainers and losers you can see your total balance you can see like all the assets here you can see show all so bitcoin for example you can just go here and yeah so that's the idea and then you can just also activate your account so you need to get verified so you need to enter info and upload documents provide basic financial information and enable extra security so that's the idea and then of course then you can just try it crypto here uh as in using u.s dollar your british pound or bitcoin so that's the app that's the idea alpha finance so yeah there you have it that's how it works if you want to trade you can earn rewards you can deposit you can withdraw but first of course you need to activate your account meaning you need to verify it with uh these documents anyways this is just like a quick overview i've seen some ads on twitter if you're considering to install this app just this is how it looks like yeah if you want to install it try it out i was able to create my account super quickly as you can see and it's like seems like a nice and cozy design and very minimalistic you just have everything you have and yeah it looks nice so try it out

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