BLUR How to see Shorts Feed ads in YouTube Studio?

hey everyone so like YouTube Just introduced this new monetization for shorts and everyone just wants to check out how it performs uh so yeah if you have a lot of you know like short spews and you have viral choices can be interesting for you if you're already a YouTube partner so yeah just on your desktop you can go to like standard analytics and then you can filter out shorts videos and then here you can just select Revenue Source filter estimate Revenue by Revenue source and then like from February first you can just see the amount of like Revenue like the channel might get from the short feed ads so yeah that's what you have here uh so as you can see like uh yeah there is already like short feeds ads some Revenue it's like it's really small uh like just depending on your views like to earn some decent Revenue I guess you need to have like shorts to get in like over a million views like one short um and I guess like millions and millions of views like 10 millions of use for one short or something like that then you can earn something decent uh here uh also what's happening right now uh before this change there were like watch page ads available even for short videos because some of the shorts were just visible in some uh uh yeah in some other formats but now this watch page ads are disabled for for short videos so now I think it's actually gone which is a bit sad but it's not like it's pity uh that yeah I think some formatting has changed in the YouTube and then now uh uh it's only like short feed ads a while here uh because like all the focus goes like on the short speed and that's like the old format is just going away so that's what it is but now you can see like uh basically you will probably see like two tabs like short feed ads and then YouTube premium because uh people who subscribe to YouTube premium and watch your shorts also you will get the small revenue from that usually it's pretty small you should be like pretty huge YouTuber and then a short feed adds um foreign yeah like here uh you can just see for example uh the idea of that uh so yeah uh something something like this um yeah it might be helpful for you just to to monitor like to monitor these short feed ads and then just see how it performs is this like monetization here it's pretty complex and it I probably have seen like YouTube video explaining that it's like has like four steps to identify it like there is a pool of creators pool of revenue generated from all these short ads which are in the short feed then just take out some music licensing costs and then just then basically they break out uh to the people who got the most use in the country and then they still get like 55 out of it so I think the idea is that you need to make a really viral shorts here similar as like you know Tick Tock videos which are getting like 10 millions of views so it's it's all about getting after virality and the more views you get the better and then you will just can get like a bigger chunk of this short feed adds shown out shown yeah near all videos but then basically you will just get a bigger Chunk from that Creator pool generated by these ads so yeah it's a bit complex I think there will be a lot of tutorials like influencers creators trying to figure out what's the best approach with the short feed ads and how to optimize for them but this is just a start so there you have it

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