Fizz: what’s fizzin? App preview

here is interesting app which is called fees what's fizzing share what you really think so let's install this app it's entered top 200 apps in the app store in the social networking category so it's just interesting to see why and this is like a app for colleges and schools where you can join university private community and just you can post anonymously to your school's home feed so i think this app is something similar to yik yak you know the the app it's where you're just posting like in radios like 50 kilometers or something anonymously and then here it's like a yeah like a reddit but just for for your school like if you're studying at some university you're just posting anonymously and then you can discuss uh yeah discuss all the gossip and all those stuff is happening but yeah let's just open it up and see how to create your account so i just upgrade my account my phone number so it's only possible to create it in us at this moment so it's not available for canadian or like australian or european schools so for the sake of this demo i'll just try to use this one let's see and then just step verify then i need to enter and then i need to enter my school email so wait can i just do this or i don't know you're not this is cool yet um so yep so you need to reach out to your school or enter access token um yeah so you need to enter something like stanford to add you or like you know a year yell edu or something like that and only the list of schools which are available will be able to enter this app unfortunately so that's pretty interesting because yeah i would like to uh yeah to see how it works actually so yeah i don't know also if you you can log out obviously but if you tap on three dots in top right you can enter access token [Music] so that's that anyways so yeah so far this is it uh it's what's fizzing so fees is a private anonymous discussion feed with the full suite of features such as direct messages polls and images the privacy of your community is maintained through the requirement of valid university email address yeah of course it makes sense because other than that any anyone can sign up including me and then it's not really that cool we have a secret confession or a question you'd only want to ask anonymously so far a game on fees about posts you like download once you don't want to connect with other students send an anonymous direct message to the owner of any post or comment say what you want when you want with complete anonymity before you know it your post might be trending reach out to info at few social office any questions comments or concerns alternatively reach out to us on social media i really enjoy using the app and have gotten a lot of it so there you have it so that's the app so far nice writings nice reviews maybe it will be possible to yeah to uh join this app without edu email in some in some future but yeah hope it is helpful

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