to add friend in uh you know be me app here's what you do so just after you create an account you have add friend button in the top right or here in the bottom just tap at friend there uh you need to give access to your contacts so it's not possible to search friends here on internet like you know or connect friends via facebook or there is no like database of friends in which you can search here in the app it's not like instagram um but when you create an account you need to give access to your contacts and then basically you can just tap in wide and that's what it happens now that's been touching the beam and this is your invitation unique invitation link also if it's easier for you you can also just tap share in white link and then you can just share in white link and send it uh like that in any other ways your messenger whatsapp or yeah something like that because if you just tap on invite it will redirect you to to to imessage to iphone imessage or text app so these are the ways to add friends so you add they add this link and then your friends will appear here on the search screen so if you added each other successfully your friends will appear here and then you can just tap on them and send touches send senses to each other and all of that so that's how the process works hope it is helpful

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