How to create a post in Ramse app?

here is rom's app so to create a post just tap in top right on the camera icon in the top right and then yeah you you should be able to open like new post screen and then you will be able to create a new post but for some reason this app just keeps loading forever for me if you know solution to that just leave it in the comments below so just interesting to know what you think um yeah so yeah if i just tap on the post i can just write something here i can just add location i can also add some photo and then i can just tap post big red button and there you have it that's basically done is available uh so yes again it's just loading loading and then it should be just available there um also you you are able to delete your post after if you just tap on three dots you you can able to delete your post if you tap on your profile yeah so there you have it so now you can just edit posts you can delete it you can share your post to other members and then you can see all your posts on your profile hope that can be helpful and thank you a lot for watching

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