How to create a story in Telegram?
Telegram, the popular messaging app, has recently introduced a new feature called "Stories." In this article, we will explore how to create a story in Telegram and take a look at some of the features available.
Currently, the story feature is only available for premium users. So, if you are a premium user, you will notice a star icon in your chats at the top. However, this feature will soon be made available to everyone. Once it is available to everyone, you can simply tap the plus icon in the top right corner to begin creating your story.
The design of Telegram Stories is visually appealing and well-developed. You have the option to take a selfie, disable or enable lightning for enhanced visual effects, and upload media from your gallery. Whether it's a photo or a video, you can add additional drawings, stickers, and text to personalize your story. Editing options allow you to make adjustments, clear drawings, or add captions and emojis.
Telegram offers various packs of emojis, allowing you to add a touch of creativity and fun to your stories. In terms of editing tools, you can tweak brightness, contrast, saturation, and apply different types of blur effects. It is remarkable how advanced Telegram has made this feature right from the start, surpassing the basic functionality of stories on other platforms like Instagram during their initial release.
Once you are satisfied with your story, tapping "Next" allows you to choose your audience. You can share your story with everyone, limit it to your contacts, share with selected individuals, and even enable or disable screenshots. You have the choice to keep your story on your profile or remove it once posted.
Within your profile, you have the option to edit or delete your story. The bottom right corner provides editing functionality, while a trash icon allows you to remove the story entirely. Furthermore, you can view who has seen your story in the bottom left corner and share it, copy the link, or remove it from your profile.
Exploring the top right corner of the app will reveal additional settings related to your stories. You can access the archives of your stories and manage them accordingly.
In conclusion, Telegram's "Stories" feature offers a range of creative and advanced tools to enhance your social media experience. As the app continues to evolve, we can expect further improvements and additions to this feature. So, whether you are a premium user or eagerly awaiting its release for all, get ready to share your stories on Telegram in a unique and captivating way.
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