hey everyone so here is snapchat and there is very new uh trending lens a filter so to enable crying face just tap on the search and then you can just search for crying uh and then uh there are a few uh top results here uh you there are a few lenses crying lenses uh here and then you can see who is the developer so uh i'm just uh choosing this one it's like from snapchat and this this lens are from uh for the photo mode only and but yeah it's actually pretty cool so yeah that's that's what you can see here and then you can just record the photo with them and yeah so this yes this lens are like quite trending right now and you can see a lot of people with this kind of expressions all over snapchat yeah so and then yeah you can just go back and disable that then there is also crying face another one you can also so this one is a bit different i uh so this is more just like a crying face yeah i actually like the first one is much more uh interesting and there was like announcement from from snapchat here so that's yeah um that's what you can try out [Music]

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