Telegram offers a feature called stealth mode, which allows users to remain anonymous while watching stories. This means that if you enable stealth mode, the creator of the stories and other viewers won't be able to see you in the list of viewers for the next 20 minutes. It's a handy feature for those who prefer to keep their online activities private.
However, what if you want to end or disable stealth mode before the 20-minute limit? Unfortunately, it seems that manually ending or disabling stealth mode in Telegram is not possible. You will have to wait for the 20-minute duration to expire.
Furthermore, it's worth noting that when you enable stealth mode, the last five minutes prior to enabling it will also be cleared from other people's view. This means that even during those last five minutes, others won't be able to see your presence in their stories.
It appears that Telegram's intention behind this design decision is to prioritize user privacy and ensure that individuals have control over their online presence. While waiting for the time limit to elapse might not be ideal for those who want an immediate return to normal visibility, it is the only available option at the moment.
In conclusion, ending or stopping stealth mode in Telegram cannot be done manually. One needs to wait for the 20-minute duration to expire in order to regain normal visibility in stories. If you have any alternative methods or insights regarding this feature, please feel free to share them in the comments section.
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