How to mute in Two Way app?

In the latest update of the Two Way app, users now have the ability to mute conversations within the platform. This new feature comes as a response to user feedback and requests for more control over their notifications and conversations.

To mute a conversation in the Two Way app, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Two Way app on your device.
  2. Navigate to the conversation that you wish to mute.
  3. Tap on the profile of the person or group you are messaging.
  4. Select the "Mute Conversation" option from the menu that appears.
  5. You can choose to mute the conversation for a specific period of time or indefinitely.

Once you have muted a conversation, you will no longer receive notifications for new messages in that thread. This can be especially useful for busy users who need to focus on other tasks without being constantly interrupted by notifications from the app.

Overall, the addition of the mute feature in the Two Way app provides users with more flexibility and control over their messaging experience. It is a simple yet powerful tool that enhances the overall user experience within the app.

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