Jigsaw dating app - how to create an account & use the app?

hello so if you ever see interesting app you just call jigsaw dating so you can just tap and get it so then you can just use a touch ID to install it yeah interesting app uh it's grown in charts in social networking so number yeah 156 and social networking charts um yeah from the UK to the USA our members have ripped up their tickets to the beauty pageants by joining the last shallow app on the App Store people are seeking two middle fingers to Skin Deep judgment small talk and we are only just getting started it's unusual concept uh but the usual apps only work for like five percent of people so yeah there are like so many interesting apps uh like diet and apps who's trying to find like their own Concepts our own Niche because yeah that's true that a lot of apps are actually don't work that well for for that many people oh wait oh sorry I think I was just like using some tool I just I'll just uh stop it so the app downloads quicker and then we can just uh continue with that so that should be downloaded a bit quicker so here is the app uh jigsaw Early Access okay okay uh get Early Access date on jigsaw and then I can just create my account here like that so then yeah you can just enter age um and then yeah you can just create an account like that and then we puzzle face puzzle faces to give you a better chance of getting to know uh someone for who they are without the Split Second judgment so you then you need to add your photos so that's one of the is I'm just testing it out interesting to see so yeah uh here you just need to enter this so here you just can enter that or how much you like so I don't know it's just a joke I'm just showing you like the the steps of course the super random answers possess so you have uh an idea is how it looks like and my qualities so something like that and then you can verify your profile uh Skip and complete sign up so yeah then you can just allow location you can upgrade to VIP but yeah unfortunately this this app is not uh yet uh out available everywhere I think it's just in a better in United States or something so yeah it's not yet available everywhere but yeah so something like that and then you can get verified take the photo you can send matches and this is how it works and then you can see something like that and then you can see one puzzle revealed so yeah something like that that's the idea of the app hope you liked it it's an interesting concept and then if you want to upgrade to jigsaw Plus infinite admirers daily free supers unlimited free covers free tickets for jigsaw events so here you can see all of that yeah and it's 24.99 per month so 9.99 per week

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