Kiwi widget - music with friends - how to create an account?

here's interesting app called tv music with friends what are you listening to so yeah let's just install it uh it's interesting idea uh what are you listening to at a random time each day a notification will prompt you and your friends to share a song and a message all at the same time you never know what the notification will say so be ready all of the sonics your friends share show up on the widget for your iphone home screen anonymously give and receive music rating and see an average music rating score on your profile so that's the idea it's okay so now i'm trying to get it like be real for music so kind of you you know set up your account create your account so that's basically you enter a phone number and then uh probably you you need to connect your spotify or something like that not sure it's working with apple music but yeah here is the process you just enter your phone number uh create account for free and then okay i will just do another overview in the video

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