hello everyone so let's explore this app lanza photo touch up and blur um it's really popular apps these days uh especially after holidays a lot of people are using this app everyone is just trying to add it and add just a little bit touch because there are holiday photos um so you're serious like one tab portrait editor you can have something like magic correction same natural skin texture prograde background blur remove eye bags wide range of tools so it's really cool app like if you have a selfie and you just want to have a perfect selfie this is one of the apps you should try and we will try to to yeah to create an account and go through the app see how it works all the details so yeah you can bring yourself into the spotlight adjust the background there are some also extra perks and there are some also premium subscriptions like annual 29.99 period or monthly for 7.99 per month so then you can just open it up next then we can just try magic correction here so you can see how it works in the app really cool background blur you can just blur your background advanced editing privacy first so then you you can start your free trial a one week free trial then uh 35.99 per year three dollars per month so that's something like that or you can just create your account here with apple let's see if what can i do in the free version if i just not sure yet if i want to buy for this app or not so just add your photo and let's so here is the photo so let's try this new year photo um so there is like magic correction if i long tap now i see wow that's actually pretty cool right and then you can see all the like the skin correction and the background blur i think this app is pretty cool actually yeah then you can blur background more you can adjust or you can do it less you can do face retouch done or like less you can do necro touch eye bags you can eyelashes eye contrast bigger eyes plump so i think that's really cool effect i tried a lot of these apps and this this is pretty yeah pretty nice adjust effects you can also add some effects like jingle you can add some filters borders you can add some like frame change the frame depending if you want to use it for instagram or just original and then you can rotate it that's about it and then you can just tap save yeah so this photo is saved now interesting i didn't buy anything uh create awesome movies we skim our new app for movie making upload your video and let the app take over add some music tracks and your unique content is ready to go so yep uh that's about it so that's the app i did several photos daily for free so amazing so you can use it if you have like a few selfies you really want to adjust them and then just use them that's amazing then you can just upgrade plan yearly 1999 or monthly just 4.99 unlimited access so it's not expensive but i think the quality of the app is really amazing you can get tutorials and updates you can customize your appearance appearance of the app and change the app icon um take photo so okay let's take photo like here i just need to give access to the camera let's see for example here photo and what will it do this type this time it didn't really work out okay so it didn't work out this time so let's try like this and then just use magic correction so this time it did work out uh so yeah you can see here you can see blur background you can blur it more you can do a bit less of like face correction maybe and yeah but like you know it looks more a bit like a professional photo but it shouldn't be a lot of this because then it just looks unnatural but just something like that so you can do that eye contrast this eyebrows lens correction like bigger eyes you can do like a bigger eyes here wow a smaller nose and it's not the app like for plastic surgery or something but yeah smaller cheeks you can do that but i guess some people can really like get addicted plump lips vibrant shadow highlight hair color i can change my hair color and then i can just reset it so yeah that's basically the app uh interesting interesting app for sure and then i can just tap save it to save it uh so definitely give it a try type to photos get rid of limits and then i think that's about it now the limits are uh yeah so now uh yeah so now i guess i can do a few of these photos this i can just delete on this time it did work out [Music] so you can do something like that let's see if i can save three photos it's three photos saved and then you can also create scheme movie which is also interesting so hope all this stuff is helpful uh really nice app definitely recommend it because i just did it all of this like three selfies per like per day for free so i think also you can retouch group photos all of that just be can be helpful for you especially after holidays like you know you really want to retouch some of these photos to look nice or just to send to your relatives and friends um so this can be the nice the nice type to do that uh fast and for free so hope it was helpful visit my website mrhac.io and see you in the next videos

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