LiveStatus PRO should you upgrade?

should you upgrade to Live status Pro so if you if you go to your Live status account and that that's a great Live status Pro what it has here so basically with Live status Pro you can just get all the statuses in the available in the future and then there is no watermark so Watermark means that when you're saving your photos yeah you can just I think they will decide to use watermarks so you will remove Watermark this way and also if for example you are sending some text or some image whatever you can add these statuses here and then if you want just to get more statuses and have access to all status Library then yeah you can just uh you need to upgrade to Pros so that's basically it so not a lot of additional value I would say at the moment but it's only 299 monthly so that's what it is uh quarterly sign 99 so it's it's not a big price um so that's what it is but hopefully it can be helpful and thank you for watching also of course if you want to support my YouTube channel put a like under this video so more people can discover what Live status is you can also subscribe or you can also join my YouTube channel and become a member if you want to have access to some additional features

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