NoteIt drawing app - is it available on Android?

so here's viral noted drawing widget app um so as you can see it's in the top chart so this app allows you to create some notes and then your friend can receive them in the widget on the home screen in their phone so that's the idea but is this app available on android so i'm not sure if it's really available on android i was just searching for it and uh as far as i can tell it's not on android it's not on google play store uh there are this is no taking app but this is not that i don't want evernote or like google keep on notes i just want this noted widget app um so yep uh it's not i think it's not available on android other similar app yeah you can see all the apps i'm searching here it's like locket widgets you can see 40 000 reviews here it's a similar concept where you can you know send a photo to the widget of your friend so and then in in noted app you can create a note and then send it to the yeah to the uh as well the same way to the video so these technologies these apps are utilizing the uh that the new technology starts in from ios 13 where you can just add all these widgets to your home screen so if i just tap and hold i can add these widgets so something like that um

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