Obimy 3.0 - how to UPGRADE for monthly subscription?

here is a bmi 300 it's an updated beaming app and now they have um subscriptions so before these versions are only one time purchases now there is like a subscription where you can go to your profile and then you can upgrade basically here so yeah so for example you tap on your partner uh and uh you you can just see some uh for example fresh senses and then you can tap unlock with free trial and this is how you upgrade to a premium obimi of obimus that's how it's called so there is a monthly section for 2.99 per month uh so you can create your own census to do what i want to wear one there are six new colors there are fresh senses and then there is like uh coming soon dates like so you know your partner's birthday you don't forget it so that's quite important sometimes in relationships uh then there is like uh other dates which can be pretty nice to have and to know so now you can upgrade it's 2.99 per month six months 12.99 yearly 14.99 per year so that's pretty cheap and three dollars per month it's in the line with most uh social apps like you know there is snapchat plus so it's also around three dollars per month and all of that so if you're using this app a lot i think it's it's a nice price

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