so what is ram's app so let's just go through the overview i don't really know all the details but let's just figure it out together here is the website rams.tag and it says it's an elite social media site designed to bring users the ultimate social experience the chronium ramps ram say like sorry if i pronounce it in the wrong way is a relation for royalty app member superior experience ramsay was created to make everyone feel like royalty from upwards designed by rahman malik wilson who has already inspired technology so he uniquely constructed this app to be social networking tools that integrates learning fun entertainment and awareness welcome to the app where everyone is treated like royalty um so there are some cool features this car mode bumpers only and then um yep so the website was created like back in 2021 but the date app will be open and released the public is to be disclosed but seems it was just released now and so this app is live now and it's in the top charts in the app store so i'm just curious why is that so here is the app itself as you can see it's really in the number 32 and social networking so yeah that's pretty cool and then you can see the screenshots here is a free app so you can just download it you can discover all the users there is room in this app you can connect with friends family and other like-minded individuals like yourself tune into some of the most exclusive content while building a social bond with people all over the world spirit experience where social media meets the real world so here you can have a detailed event planner called the ramps room which helps you build you wants to inform your followers connect with your community safety is very important when it comes to friends also there is like a black light feature emergency signal that helps promote safety and awareness if you are find uh something situation where you need help press and hold black light for three seconds to generate your location so yes there are only like sound writing so far but let's just go through the app let's just open it up and here you can first like uh i think i like the idea but like that the app is loading super slow maybe it's only me but yeah i don't think it's like the wi-fi issue or 4g i tried to switch those and maybe my phone is still old but other apps are pretty smooth so at this this moment this is just an experience of the app is like super slow hopefully they will fix it super fast because otherwise i don't think that the app is at this moment is usable maybe because it's like in the top charts of the app store it's actually not that prepared for that for that all the traffic influx and like you know all the users trying to create an account so in this app i already created my account just by using email and password standard but there is no option to sign in using like apple id or you know google or something so just using your email and password but let's see so here is the the account i'm ramps one and then you can see here and then this is just the pause and there are a bunch of comments here so there you have it and then you can follow a lot of people here so for example if you want to follow someone like you can just go to account tap on three dots in top right and then just tap follow similar similarly as on many other apps seem this app is like like going viral i'm on black community um so maybe this this is this app is one of the you know niche social media which can really take off in specific community um yeah so that can be quite powerful and then yeah so you can just tap to follow user tap to block the user there you can also report you can also tap to message someone you can send stickers yeah you can see how many followers are following you how then you should see overview of your feed here but it's not uploading yet and then you can just add hello so your story you can create a post for example like this and then it appears you can edit post or delete it so just like standard as on twitter then you have discover where you can basically see all the users everywhere in the world here where they're registered so as you can see there are a bunch of users already on the in the us and then you can go to each account i don't know if it's like obligatory to to get access to your location or stuff like that uh yeah but this is the app so far hopefully the performance will be improved soon because definitely there is some like technical issue where it's just slowed down a bit uh again maybe it's like artificially the app is slowed down to not crash because probably there are just so many users right now and then yeah so you have that um sorry if it's just loading but that's the experience i have right now and then i can go to my account so this is my account you can you know upload profile picture banner you can see who you are following you can again just delete your post log out members only feature so you can i guess create some content or something just for the members uh so here you can add someone to your members maybe this app will explode also just like monetization feature or you know some content is gated behind the paywall or something like that so for example if i just search for someone or something like that and then yeah i have three dots in my account i can edit profile log out and just see my messages and then i create can create a new group with people and all of that also in the calendar i have all my planned events with friends so that's this feature called tram's room so here you can just have like a room about food for example and then i can see all the events around it i can create a new event and then just hang out with people so kind of a way to like social interactions um so yeah that's basically that in case you want to conduct support or you you know maybe like uh manage your data delete your account just in case okay so maybe there are some ones here because they are just in the different color okay now data okay so maybe the app is still is in development but you can go to the website ram stack and again if you have any things to ask you can always just tap on the support icon in the bottom right or you can just tap and go here contact us and then you will see the hours and then you can just tap send message name email message you can sign up for updates but also just in case you need to conduct support delete your data or account suggest some feedback some features anything around that probably just use the website and you can do it from here um like for me it's super interesting this app and like uh why it's going viral and all of the details um because it's pretty hard to get in the in the top 100 social media apps in the app store but yeah you can see all the all the features over use here and then you can just see more details so anyways maybe it's just you know it's a good start but let's see if the app improves these features and it becomes less less slow and buggy and all of that then uh i'll try to do another overview and just dive into more detail and understand more the specificities specifications of this app and why why is it going viral and all of that other than that thank you thank you everyone for watching my videos subscribe to my youtube channel check out my podcast um on apple podcasts and you can also visit my blog mrhac.io where i describe different apps and software see you in the next videos

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