Shuffles app - Error The data couldn’t be read, because it isn’t in the correct format - why?

i'm just going here through the some previews of shuffle app shuffles app from pinterest which is going viral in some circles and it's entering the top charts in the app store it is in white only it requires invitation from someone but some people are getting this error which says the data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format so i'm not sure like why would you get this data or this error what this is about so i'm just leaving it here maybe yeah you have better overview why it happened to you and yeah maybe you can suggest to other viewers how you got around it and how to have you solve this kind of error because yeah some kind of users on iphone are getting this error i'm just trying to figure out the solution to it to help you out meanwhile yeah you can always just suggest some ways around it in comments why it happened to you and how did you avoid it it's just a new app shuffles by pinterest which creates which helps to you to collaboratively create collages around images yeah it's going wire a lot of users trying to sign up so yeah maybe their servers are down or something like that

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