Spotify vs. Dynamic Island on iPhone 14 Pro - overview & how it works

so here's a quick overview what is dynamic Island from Spotify so if you try some try playing some track in your iPhones in the top part you can see just um yeah you know like the the dynamic Island part where I just tap on it I can go back to Spotify and then when I exit in Spotify app I can just continue using my phone and continue switch between screens and apps and it just keeps playing there so I can see like the small icon of the artist I can click tap back on it and I can see some audio animation sometimes and yeah it's just a nice little thingy nice little UI element but it's pretty convenient and yeah you can just switch between the apps and it keeps playing in the top and for some apps it really makes sense to have this Dynamic Island like for Spotify maybe Apple music some other apps and now I'm screen recording and I have that notification in top so that's why it kind of makes some sense to have that and it's available on newer iPhones before that I couldn't understand why do you need to have this kind of dynamic Island but yeah with Spotify kind of it's makes sense it's pretty easy

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