Status - gateway to Ethereum - app overview & how to use?

here's interesting app which is called status gateway to ethereum so let's just go through some quick overview of this app how to use it it's a webstery app meaning it's this back back end of this app is based on blockchain on ethereum blockchain and it's not only a crypto wallet where you can store and buy ethereum it's also ethereum Webster browser where you can browse different apps and it is also a private messenger uh which is also uh encrypted based on blockchain and yeah so it's kind of like a uh one super app where you can do some very main things in web3 like where you can browse dabs where you can uh have crypto wallet and where you have secure a messenger so here's how it looks like you can create your account just by logging in visit phrase if you are like metamask or any other like ethereum wallet or you can create a new seed phrase and then just still use a traditional password on this app and that's the way to create an account there is no way you can sign in with your phone number or with Apple ID or Google or Facebook so here like here's how the app looks like first it's just chat where you can invite friends you can start new chat you can start group chat you can join public chat uh then you have all these different then the second tab is basically browser uh where you have all the different defy apps marketplaces collectible Games social networks utilities Krypton Rams exchanges and other so yeah join the dab Community chat submit Tab support okay so that's basically how it works for example you can go to matcha trade all dxes at once uh so or you can just browse like different exchanges and all of that um still in the bottom you need to you need to connect your wallet um okay because I was thinking that you can can already do that VR status app and then okay anyway then you have your own ethereum account which is automatically created when you start using the app then you can manage accounts you can set currency uh you can scan some other accounts to to send money so yeah then also you have a uh like a social media part where you can just send your update it's yeah just send your updates problems are just uh encrypted in blockchain and yeah so here you have it uh there are some additional settings where you can set some permissions you can display enable to display Collectibles nft is probably accept new charts from any one reset password and then in the bottom if you if you're not happy you can just delete my profile also for additional security you can enable face ID or touch ID and then you have to do that you need to uh yeah you need to enter your password um so yeah that's basically the overview um interesting interesting concept let's see if it takes off okay so now I'm not sure I can access it uh and then yet for some time you need to enter your password and continue with the with the app so yeah that's the app um hope it was a nice preview and you have an idea how to use it maybe right now is uh like you know webstery winter crypto winter but maybe when there is a new uh jump uh a new Spike you will be already in knowing like how to use these apps and you will be more advanced and ahead of others

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