I'm exploring here super Local app which is one of the alternatives to to zenly you can find it for free in the app store and then you just I'm just setting up an account just want to share it with you uh so here you can see different emojis uh uh and then there's all different features you need to accept to always allow your location usually in this app that's how it works to have the full experience you use the map to see a history of all the places you have checked in to use the map as a journal of the place you've gone to you can see where your friends have checked into the path to discover the places from the people you trust um yeah for example let's just change to always allow and that's basically how the app looks like um so there are a lot of features here in in this app and you in order to use this app properly uh like you need to follow friends uh you need to be friends mutual friends so you need to be friends with them and they're with you and then you can see each other on the map so you can find friends for example you can search people to follow uh let's see if they have like a if you yeah so you can actually find people uh by uh just by the contact by the username and then you can just follow them uh then you can also just tap to claim your username here uh yeah and that's that basically yeah I can can add friends there is a ghost mode already your location is only visible to your mutuals who are people that you follow and who follow you back you can turn off location sharing with any Mutual at any time so here you can see ghost ghost mode your mutuals uh can see a location while you're in ghost mode you will always vanish off the on the map here you can also enable which things you wanna your friends to see in the map like patches footprints um uh units kilometers you can change that share your follow link as well and then yeah to invite friends you can just share the link like that free to follow me as well on super local map uh then you just have your home feed where you can just set up your username uh so earn free stuff as a reminder on super local you earn points you can redeem your points for gift cards and free stuff this app has a bit another angle like family in this app yeah you can check in at some places and then you can earn some super local points uh so yeah for example you can just start checking in you can check in with both photos or just text when you check in you will start to earn super local points only check interest photos can earns for local points to earn points or follow will be reviewed by team superlocal for Quality it will take 24 hours for you to find out if your chicken was approved so here you can do that then there is there is your activity and then there is your profile on which you can go here uh see all of the settings edit profile you can easily delete an account as well um you can see places badges minor ships I don't know what my Airship is so that's probably some also some things you collect and then you can just get gifts for them uh edit profile change profile photo uh change your email gender your Instagram bio so you can also add all of that um so yeah that's basically the app this is how it looks like don't have any friends yet I'm just exploring this app is you but in case you are looking for some alternative for for example this can be the app uh this is also they have like this inbox if you want to know where your friends are at but don't want to send them a message to them just stars to send them a push notification to ask them where they are at right now so you can do that um so yeah that's basically it an idea of this app how it works and then you can just see all of your points so yeah there are a bunch of apps right now climbing in the top charts in the US like this app is almost among top 100 social media apps right now because Stanley was shut down on February 3rd and everyone just looking for replacement this app is just has under 300 writings right now but I think it will add up so here you can see some review awesome app is easy entry uh this app was was for a while like you can see some reviews from March uh so yeah this is a this might be even better than Danley so some of the recent comments and yeah it has this Foursquare element it just combines these check-ins with social elements other alternatives to the only don't have this functionality of check-in so yeah uh it says yeah this app is great just one problem I got 66 gold stickers but I have yeah so yeah so yeah there are some issues with coins overall that their reviews are quite positive and quite Frank I don't see any reviews you know generated by the app due to promote itself um so yeah I think this app is just gonna grow in the in the App Store so make sure to start early and claim your super cool username with your first name um and yeah if you if you enjoyed then the app then this app can definitely be among your top choices other apps you can try if you're looking for some then the replacement there is this app BFF uh find my friends and phone I also did an overview of that so just look on my YouTube channel then there is like a foo app uh location sharing app and this app like the design like it kind of looks uh more similar to zanley but honestly I just tried this super Local app and it's it's finished app it's much more mature kind of the it works the the features are there because these two apps I just mentioned they are just in the process of being developed I just shipping features right away uh so there are quite a lot of bugs but this app super local is uh seems is done and it's been here for a while so definitely more reliable choice if you want less bugs and like all the features and yeah so there you have it I hope this overview was helpful put a like subscribe join membership in my channel and thank you for watching

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