Telegram Premium features - should you upgrade?

so uh telegram is releasing telegram premium at some point and here are some previews what will be included there um so you can get some exclusive features by subscribing to telegram premium so doubled limits up to 1000 channels 20 folders 10 pins 20 public links four accounts and more four gigabyte upload size you can upload uh more like bigger documents faster than load speed um like for example if you want to watch a video on telegram or something you can see it faster in in telegram voice to text conversion you can read the transcript of any incoming voice message no ads unique reactions you can add additional animated tractions premium stickers advanced chat management tools to set default folder profile badge um then also like you will see it here in just in the telegram settings you will have this banner like telegram premium so that's what you can do yeah but i don't know when it will be live when it will be released and all of the details so yeah something like that

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