TextMe - Phone Call + Texting - app overview

Here's a brief overview of TextMe - Phone Call + Texting app. If you're someone who travels often or needs a second phone number for a temporary period, then this app is worth checking out.

With TextMe, you can get a phone number for as low as five dollars per month, irrespective of the country you're in. You can use this number to make international calls, receive calls, or simply have an additional number to use. The app has a four-point-seven rating out of almost half a million ratings, with many positive reviews from users who find it quite useful.

Once you download the app, you can easily get started by creating an account and adding a phone number. With TextMe, you can create an inbox where you can place all your messages, access your account, and buy credit packs. You can also make upgrades to the app to access additional features.

TextMe app offers different subscription packages, including one-dollar and six-dollar packages, which give unlimited calls and texts to US and Canada, remove ads, filter spam and robocalls, and offering call forwarding services. Additional features are available, but are quite expensive.

Overall, TextMe is a useful app if you need temporary access to a phone number or for making international calls. However, it can be expensive, so consider your needs and what you're willing to pay before signing up for the app.

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