TicketMaster app tips - if it is glitchy, doesn’t work, can’t buy tickets…

so here I found some tips for Ticketmaster because you can find it a lot on Twitter that yeah users experience huge experience huge issues with Ticketmaster app so Ticketmaster is like Monopoly in US it matched with Live Nation and now basically it controls like majority of this big artists Tour tickets um and yeah people are saying that there are like errors you need to write like for hours and days and basically what happened like Ticketmaster sent these pre-sell codes and yeah you need to enter this code in Ticketmaster app to get access to tickets but seems there are so many people even this is the presale codes that uh yeah is even then it doesn't work uh so here is maybe some suggestions got a lot of likes um so I went to the sale and sure if I was going to use a seat map of best available list I use a seat map for one show and best available for another seat map definitely more time for me so then genuinely click on the closest to lb tickets I saw and buy the lot to ensure I'd get the seats I wanted for one show at least uh adjust the filters to your ticket number price range if you want VP or not keep refreshing the list not the page to refresh I kept clicking the last available tab or just slightly adjustment the price range by 25 so new tickets showed up so the key Point here just don't refresh the page because it can break a lot of things so I think she's talking about like ticketmaster.com website not an app our hectic is bought out from me by the time I selected multiple times um uh yeah I ended up with significantly cheaper Android battery seeds this way however it's a risk that I only file core profitable taking because I had already secured one pair of tickets uh so Yeah so basically you can see the instructions here and again like do not refresh I'm serious I thought in the q405 hours yesterday I wanted to give up I was not more than a centimeter than even see any spec blue on my bar honestly thought something was wrong it's not necessary refreshing is not necessary some people are fresh it's similarly nothing it didn't necessarily boot them to the back of the queue uh so it was signed calculating their entire time uh it happens so fast you still seemingly not be making any progress at first you could not be a blip on the bar and have two thousand plus people in front of you for hours uh all of a sudden the progress happened extremely quickly I went from zero blue on my bar at all to at the end of the queue securing my tickets in roughly 30 minutes be prepared for fees it's fees will depend on how expensive your tickets are for 600 tickets are fees were over 120 each for 219 plus and 50 each um so that's that uh so that's basically it and so some of the ideas you can stop the video and just read the whole thread but my uh yeah that's basically it I'm not even advising you um yes so some other people say so excited for I was trying for Chicago all day and ultimately was unsuccessful I kept getting errors like this when I tried to check out so that's basically it uh so yeah that's the idea I mean that's what happens when one app is controlling the whole Space uh some people suggestions that actually like Taylor Swift can build own app but what I read is like the Ticketmaster has some exclusive Partnerships with the venues and if you if the artist has a huge tour he just can't like exclude them because it's like kind of Monopoly contract with all these big stadiums and stuff like that so yeah that's what I understood from situation maybe some tips will be helpful from this thread thank you for watching if you have any additional tips and tricks just leave them in the comments

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