TikTok.com/ANALYTICS on DESKTOP - OVERVIEW. Is it better than on mobile app?

um so here is uh tiktok analytics analytics on desktop tiktok.com analytics you know if you open your creator tools on mobile device on tiktok mobile app it always says at the bottom that you need to go to tiktok.com analytics for more data so i decided to do that and finally discover like what additional data can be seen there so basically yeah let's just try to compare to see what i can do so i can select last seven days last 28 days just an example showing you here last 60 days or some custom stuff that's fine i can see i can also do that on mobile i can see video views profile views likes comments shares you can also do that uh followers um the same i can just see uh and then i can just tap view more i can see top gender follower activity uh i can download this data which i can't do on on mobile so at least that uh i can also get this data you can view more like of the content uh trending videos so here i can see more detailed data for for each video for my top videos during [Music] during the this period [Music] so just a bit bigger overview uh like what uh what is the trending content um but still i can see all of that on on mobile so i'm just curious like what's the difference uh [Music] okay if i change to last 60 days it still says last seven days here okay and the followers and then yeah so i can see some over you here just like some interesting charts and all of that uh [Music] so it's just as an tic toc mobile app for a better analytic experience open ticktalk.com analytics on your computer so there's that and then there is some more uh analytics for your live overviews for live videos and total life use count and all of that yeah so that's basically a preview so i think i will add more and more features here but of course like if you're using laptop and or you're using big screen you just can have a bit like bigger like professional overview but as i see almost all that data points which i can see here they're also accessible on mobile but you can still download your data from here and maybe there will be more features in the future so that's that that's just a quick preview

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