What is DHAR MANN app?

okay so here is the harm man app uh and it's going viral it's in the top charts in the us app store uh so and basically the har man is a very famous youtuber so let's just go to his channel and her so here is his channel like 13 million subscribers and then he has a lot of videos he's over like 20 million views there are other channels [Music] so he creates these funny videos about different situations a lot of kids videos and all of that and just they're going viral and now he just released the app to better organize his content and not only videos but there are also quotes and all of that so the harman app is the ultimate place where you can watch all your favorite harmony videos get daily inspirational attacks and get access to exclusive giveaways harman app is the ultimate place so as you can see the receiving duplication here so you can watch all your favorite videos uh get access to exclusive content so there are some videos here which are not on youtube but only in the app inspiration so there are also inspirational messages to start today there are giveaways and there is shop so there are 3.7 k ratings 4.6 out of 5 average reviews uh so let's just get into the app so i will show you the app so this is how it looks like and then you see all the videos here all the different categories you can just tap you all you can tap category and just see the video so like how would you you would ask how is different from youtube well here you have all the youtube videos but also you will have like exclusive videos soon and oh yeah all of that but it's i think it's not available yet in the app because it's just the first version it will be released soon then you also have messages so you can have like this inspirational messages so yeah like all of that you can just see the number of likes um so you can just like them or share them and then favorite them and then there is also a merged store so you can shop online here at the march new march you can use backpack you can see the action like all these t-shirts so you can just buy them here and then you can search just search different categories of the videos and then there are settings then you can change your name location video releases keywords like what you want to get notification of and then you can just log out so that's about it you don't need to create an account you also can't add friends or message your friends and all of that probably maybe it will be added in the future versions of the app but that's it i think at the moment this like very basic mvp version where gesture is just youtube content and it's this is not the final version of the app so you just need probably to wait for updates to get access to all these exclusive videos and exclusive content so that's about it um hope this was helpful check out my podcast mr hakki or check out my website mr hectorio and see in the next videos                                                                                                                                                                                                    

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