What is Substack chat? Overview

so what is a substack chat so this is a new space here so basically you go to your inbox and then go to messages tab second from the inbox and and this is a new like sub stack messaging sub stack chat run one of your subscriptions start using chat it will appear here so why do you need that so this is the space where the creator of newsletter uh can join conversation with you with readers and when I write you subscribe to start the chat you will see it here it's like for example hi all just thinking about what to write next let me know if you got requests and then you see some replies and suggestions so it makes this inter much more interactive like if you're following some newsletter creator and you know you can participate in the topic creation you can discuss some things you can write I like something I didn't like that thing or you should write about this or just give some input writers can share updates and start conversations uh subscribers get notified about news threats can interact and reply so you can't start a conversation only writer can do it as I understand and then you just participate participate in replies to it so kind of like Forum but um kind of like uh uh yeah Discord or slack whatever WhatsApp group but you can't start a conversation on the writer can and then you can just reply to it in the thread so Samsung get a super interesting feature so make sure to upgrade uh your sub stack app to the latest version

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