in case you are wondering why is cash app pending or like why it's showing pending payment status so the first thing you need to check out is just always go to status dot cash dot app this is their status website and as you can see here on the like 26 27th may there are some issues so still on the 26 miles there is unresolved incident connection issues and this incident is still unresolved and um so and then it says we are currently investigation investigating still if your transaction is pending please do not re-attempt at this time build back with an update soon thank you for a passion and then there is an update but the issue is still not unresolved on 27th of may we are continuing to investigate the issue causing pending payments and we'll share additional updates here as we learn more as a reminder initial transaction is pending please do not attempt at this time thank you for continued passions and understanding while we work to resolve this so just in your case no panic this is what it is as you can see sometimes there are these incidents on the cash app um they are not that frequent but of course they are pretty annoying um so this is the incident history as you can see um and so yeah that's what you can see some of the history but there you have it i i wouldn't panic hopefully it should be resolved quite soon because it's like quite a large service but if you can don't try to send big amounts of money via cash up right now you can always reach out then we are twitter support cash app support account and yeah so that's in case you're wondering

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