Are there bots in starmatch app?

Are there bots in the Stardust app?

In a recent video transcript, a user explores the possibility of the presence of bots in the Stardust app. Upon analysis, it seems that there are several indications pointing towards the presence of automated systems, or bots, within the app.

The user starts by mentioning that when messaging any profile, a real link to Instagram is visible. However, what follows is suspicious. Instantly, a message is received, indicating that someone has opened the message and replied. This suggests that the messages being exchanged are automated, most likely generated by bots.

To further interact with the message, the user needs to wait for it to unlock or purchase jams - the in-app currency required to access certain features. The apparent cost of purchasing jams is not cheap, with 65 jams priced at $1 and 50,000 jams at $250. This clearly suggests that the app developers are monetizing the bot-generated messages.

Furthermore, the user highlights that the profiles and messages received do not seem authentic. While the Instagram accounts associated with the profiles appear genuine, the messages and profiles themselves lack a human touch. It is reminiscent of interacting with AI profiles, similar to popular chatbot characters such as Chai Apple.

The user contemplates the purpose of combining real profiles with numerous AI bots in the app. While the intentions behind this implementation remain unclear, it is worth noting that the Stardust app is created by iconic hearts, a reputable app builder known for creating viral apps like Sanded and the original idea for the NGL app.

Additionally, iconic hearts has also produced the Locksmith widget, which has gained popularity on Instagram. These previous successful endeavors suggest that there is a method to the bot integration in the Stardust app, although it may not be immediately apparent.

Despite the presence of AI bots dominating the app, the user indicates that there are opportunities for users to earn money by inviting friends. This adds an aspect of gamification and incentivizes user engagement.

While the user's exploration of the app raises questions about the exact purpose of the bots within Stardust, further investigation is required to understand the intricacies of the app fully. It remains to be seen whether the mix of real profiles and AI bots serves a greater purpose or if it is simply a quirk within the app's design.

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