BlueSky app - where to enter the invite code if you got one

BlueSky app - where to enter the invite code if you got one

Here's BlueSky app. So it has a lot of hype. Everyone tries to join this app and check it out. People are looking for some alternatives to Twitter, so yeah, just open the app and where to enter the invite code.

You need to tap "create new account" and then you need to select your hosting provider from here. You just hand-select BlueSky, tap "next," and then you enter in the invite code here on this tab. So this is where you just enter it. If you have it from somewhere, just copy-paste this code here and then you can proceed.

The next step usually is to reserve your username. That's quite important. I'm not sure if you can change your username later as of now, so just be careful there. So reserve your username, or as I remember, and then there you have it. Then you just proceed with the standard instructions and you should be ready to go. Right now, I think it's much easier to get BlueSky with an invite code. There are already 1 million users as of now in BlueSky. And I have like around just 50 followers in BlueSky, and I already have like six invite codes. So BlueSky app generously gives invite codes at this moment. Imagine some people who have thousands of followers and BlueSky probably have dozens of invite codes, and they don't even use them. So just look for friends who are already on BlueSky, and there is a huge possibility that you just need to ask your friend who is in BlueSky to give you an invite code, and they will share the invite code. You can also look for some people on Twitter or somewhere, you know who are already on BlueSky and ask them.

Yeah, so that's what it is, but it's not possible to use this app without an invite code. They are limiting the influx of users this way because even with invite codes, this app crashed a few times already. Yeah, there were a few moments where even with invite codes, their server-side wasn't capable yet to handle all the users. So that's why until they build out their service completely, they will have this invite code system. Yes, so that's where you enter it on the step two of three.

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