Can you delete friends of friends feed from BEREAL? Unfortunately, no. In a recent update, BEREAL completely replaced the discovery feed or global feed with the friends of friends feed. Once you update to the latest version of BEREAL, there's no going back. The only option you have is to disable the auto-update feature and continue using an older version of the app.

However, if you have already updated to the latest version, there is still a way to customize your experience. Within the app's privacy settings, you can exclude yourself from the friends of friends feed. By navigating to the privacy settings and selecting "friends of friends," you can disable the option to connect your friends. This means that your BEREAL activity will only be visible within your own friends' timelines. Your friends will no longer be able to see each other through the app.

It's important to note that while you can adjust the visibility of your own profile, you cannot delete the friends of friends feed altogether. This feed consists of recent updates from BEREAL, including the addition of new features such as adding songs and pings to your BEREAL posts. The developers are actively changing the look and functionality of the app, redesigning it to provide a different user experience.

In summary, BEREAL's latest update introduces the friends of friends feed, which has completely replaced the previous discovery and global feeds. If you prefer the older version, you can disable the auto-update feature and continue using an older version of the app. Alternatively, within the privacy settings, you can exclude yourself from the friends of friends feed, ensuring that your BEREAL activity is only visible to your immediate friends. While you can't delete the feed entirely, BEREAL is continuously evolving and introducing new features to enhance the user experience.

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