Catch ~ 10s to reply app - what is it? Quick tutorial

Catch - 10s to Reply App: What is it? Quick Tutorial

Have you heard of the Catch - 10s to Reply app? It might be one of the alternatives to TikTok, but with a slightly different concept. This app has been climbing up in the charts, and we wanted to share with you what this app is all about.

The idea behind the Catch - 10s to Reply app is simple: you take a picture and send it to a friend, who has only 10 seconds to reply with a picture. The app is currently available on iPhone; we're not sure if it's also available on Android.

To get started, create an account with your phone number. Then, you can add your friends from your contacts list, search by username, or invite your friends from Snapchat. Once you have added your friends, you can select who you want to catch. You will see the last time your friend was online, so you know if they are available to play.

Once you have selected your friend, you can send them a photo. Your friend will have 10 seconds to reply with a photo of their own. If they miss the deadline, you win the round.

In the app, you can see your score for each friend you've played with. The app keeps track of how many photos you and your friend have caught from each other. You can also delete your account through the app.

Here's a quick rundown of how to use the Catch - 10s to Reply app:

  1. Download the app to your iPhone.
  2. Create an account with your phone number.
  3. Add your friends from your contacts, search by username, or invite your friends from Snapchat.
  4. Select a friend to catch.
  5. Send them a photo, and wait for their reply.
  6. Keep playing and see who has the highest score.

Overall, the Catch - 10s to Reply app is easy to use and a fun way to keep in touch with your friends. Try it out for yourself and see if you can catch them all!

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