Circle Locator app - FULL OVERVIEW & HOW TO USE

Circle Locator app - FULL OVERVIEW & HOW TO USE Here is the Circle Locator app - one of the most popular apps these days. With the previous Zany app shut down, a lot of apps are now trying to rediscover alternatives, and you can see how Circle Locator is leading the way. It is one of the easiest and simplest ways to stay in touch with your family all the time. Circle Locator lets you add your circles to always be aware of their location in real-time. You can track their movements and get notifications once they arrive at the right address. The app is designed for your comfort and peace of mind. With modern technology, it helps to improve your convenience. So, let's get started and see how easy it is to use. When you open the app, you can see how it looks like. The app allows you to create your places links and two circles. You can use real-time notifications, join circles, and invite relatives to them. You can also create circles for various groups and keep your family and friends organized. The only disadvantage of this app is that it's quite limited in the free version. To do anything useful, such as adding new places or creating a new circle, you need to upgrade. The cost of upgrading is $20 per month, or you can opt for a yearly subscription of $70. While there is a three-day free trial, it can be pretty expensive for the long term. One of the exciting features of the Circle Locator app is the ability to use maps in the app. It helps you to see where your family and friends are, without having to navigate through different apps. You can also create a new circle with the people you want to track, such as France, and see their movements. However, bear in mind that every feature in the app requires a subscription, and there is no free version with limited functionality. It would have been great to have a trial version where we can test the app before upgrading. In conclusion, the Circle Locator app is an excellent choice for families and friends who want to keep track of each other's movements. With real-time notifications and the ability to use maps in the app, it is an excellent tool for staying connected. However, if you're on a tight budget, you may need to consider other free alternatives. You can easily delete your account, change your name, or profile picture if you want to. The app is user-friendly and easy to navigate, with a bright and clean interface. Thanks for reading, and we hope you found this blog post informative.

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