Circle Locator app - quick overview & how to create an account?

Circle Locator app - quick overview & how to create an account? Are you looking for a reliable app to keep track of your family and friends? Look no further than Circle Locator app. With its high rating in the App Store and easy installation process, you can become a part of the Circle Locator app community in no time. To install the app on your iPhone, simply tap Get and then double click to install. Circle Locator app is getting some traction in the App Store in the US and is an alternative to the now-shut Zenly app. The app provides you with the functionality to create a new circle, add your new location, and explore others' places. After installing Circle Locator app, you can easily create an account by using your Apple ID. There are two paid modes: $69.99 yearly with three free trial days, and $20 monthly. Upon creating an account, you will have access to all the features available in the app's free version. The app allows the owner to create a new circle and make changes or delete it. Only the owner of the circle can update and manage it. You can add a new circle by creating a new location under your name. However, to create a personal place, you will need to upgrade to a paid version of the app. Circle Locator app lets you personalize your experience by adjusting settings such as notification preferences. As with some other features in the app, upgrading your account will give you access to additional customization options. Overall, Circle Locator app is a great option for anyone who is looking for an easy-to-use app to keep track of their family and friends. With its impressively rated user experience, creating an account is simple and quick. Make sure you're on top of your circle of loved ones by using Circle Locator app today.

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