Freecash app - how to enter a bonus code

The Freecash app provides an easy way to enter bonus codes to unlock additional rewards. To access this feature, follow these steps based on the video transcript provided:

  • Tap on your profile icon located as the second tab from the right within the app.
  • Look for the "Bonus Code" section in the menu.
  • Enter your bonus code into the designated field to redeem it.

Additionally, the app offers an affiliate program to increase your earnings further:

  • Navigate to the affiliate page to explore this feature.
  • Utilize the referral link provided in the app.
  • Share the referral link with others to earn affiliate bonuses based on their usage.

To track your affiliate earnings, the app requires reaching a minimum threshold of $10 or $25, depending on the specific terms outlined.

These steps outline how you can leverage bonus codes and the affiliate program within the Freecash app to potentially increase your earnings and maximize your overall experience. Explore these features to discover new ways to benefit from using the app.

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