How to add your Locket link to Instagram bio?

How to add your Locket link to Instagram bio?

If you're looking to add your Locket link to your Instagram bio, here's a step-by-step guide to help you out.

  1. Open the Locket app: Start by opening the Locket app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on your profile: Once you're in the app, tap on your profile icon located in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Tap "Share Locket": Within your profile, you'll find the option to share your Locket link. Simply tap on "Share Locket" to proceed.
  4. Copy the link: After tapping on "Share Locket", you will be provided with a specific link to your Locket profile. Copy the link by selecting the appropriate option.
  5. Adding the link to your Instagram bio: To add the Locket link to your Instagram bio, go to your Instagram profile and tap on "Edit Profile".
  6. Add external link: Within the editing options, look for the option to add an external link. Tap on this option.
  7. Paste the Locket link: Once the external link option is selected, paste the link that you copied from the Locket app.
  8. Add a description: To make it clear what the link is for, you can add a description such as "Locket" or another appropriate label.
  9. Save changes: Finally, tap "Done" to save the changes you've made to your Instagram bio.

Now, when you or anyone else opens your Instagram bio and taps on the Locket link, they will see a screen indicating that you are already friends on Locket.

If you're also interested in learning how to add the Locket link to your Instagram story, you can find a video tutorial on my channel. Simply search for it and follow the instructions provided.

I hope this guide was helpful in adding your Locket link to your Instagram bio.

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