How to cancel Eato subscription?
If you've decided to cancel your Eato subscription, the process may vary slightly depending on the platform or device you're using. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to cancel your subscription to the Eato AI calorie tracker app:
- Open the Eato app on your device. It's important to note that the Eato app is a paid service with no free trial option available.
- Navigate to your account settings within the app. You can typically find this option by tapping on your profile icon or accessing the app's menu.
- Look for the "Subscriptions" tab within your account settings. This is where you will manage your subscription preferences and billing information.
- Locate the option to cancel your subscription within the "Subscriptions" menu. Depending on the app's interface, this may be labeled as "Cancel Subscription" or something similar.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm the cancellation of your Eato subscription. You may be asked to provide a reason for canceling or to confirm the cancellation again before it takes effect.
- After canceling your subscription, you should still have access to Eato until the end of the current billing period. This means you can continue using the app for the remaining time you have paid for.
- Keep in mind that once your current billing cycle ends, you will no longer have access to the premium features of Eato unless you resubscribe.
By following these steps, you should be able to successfully cancel your Eato subscription and manage your billing preferences within the app. If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions about the cancellation process, you may reach out to Eato's customer support for assistance.
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