How to cancel Planet Fitness membership and avoid buyout fee?

If you're a member of Planet Fitness and are thinking about canceling your membership, you may be wondering how to avoid a buyout fee. In this article, we'll give you some tips on how to cancel your Planet Fitness membership and avoid paying that fee.

First, it's important to understand what the buyout fee is. Currently, the fee is $58. If you cancel your membership before the end of the minimum term specified in your contract, you'll need to pay this fee.

To avoid the buyout fee, the first step is to make sure you understand the terms of your contract when you sign up. Be realistic about how often you'll be able to go to the gym. Many people make the mistake of thinking they'll be able to go every day, but then find it's too challenging to maintain that routine. Instead, think about what's actually feasible for you.

If you do decide to cancel your membership, the best way to avoid the buyout fee is to wait until your minimum term is up. Once your contract has expired, you can cancel without having to pay any additional fees.

If you need to cancel before your minimum term is up, your options are more limited. However, there are a few things you can try. For example, some people have reported success canceling their membership by sending a certified letter to Planet Fitness, stating that they wish to cancel. Be sure to include your membership information in the letter, such as your name and membership ID number.

Another option is to try to transfer your membership to someone else. If you know someone who is interested in joining Planet Fitness, you may be able to transfer your membership to them. This will allow you to cancel your membership without having to pay the buyout fee.

In summary, if you want to avoid paying the buyout fee associated with canceling your Planet Fitness membership, the best option is to wait until your minimum term is up. If you need to cancel before then, consider sending a certified letter or transferring your membership to someone else. With these tips, you'll be able to cancel your membership without having to pay any unnecessary fees.

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