How to check if your old NGL link still works?

Recently, there has been confusion surrounding the functionality of old NGL links. NGL, short for "Next Generation Links," is a popular tool used to share links on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. Users have been questioning whether their old NGL links still work, given recent domain updates.

To address this concern, let's dive into the details. In a video transcript shared by a user, they mentioned entering an old NGL link format,, and successfully sending a test message. This indicates that old NGL links are still functional despite the domain change.

The confusion arises because NGL recently updated their domain to This new domain is recommended for sharing on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. However, it's important to note that even if you continue using the old domain, it will still work. So, if you have old NGL links in your Instagram bio or elsewhere, there is no immediate need to change them.

The situation with NGL links is currently in a state of flux, as the company is updating these links on a daily basis. This constant update process has created some chaos, making it difficult to determine which links are legitimate.

In conclusion, if you're wondering whether your old NGL links are still functional, the answer is yes. Despite a domain update, the previous links continue to work. It's worth keeping an eye on any further updates from NGL to ensure that you stay informed on the latest developments.

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