How to contact support in app?

If you encounter any issues or have inquiries regarding the app, contacting support is essential to resolve your concerns. In this article, we will explain how you can easily reach out to the app's support team and seek assistance.

To begin, launch the app on your mobile device. Once the app is open, navigate to your profile, which can usually be found in the bottom right corner of the screen. Here, you will spot a section named "live support."

By tapping on the "live support" option, you will gain access to a chat interface where you can communicate directly with a customer experience agent. To initiate a conversation, select the type of issue you are facing from the available options. For example, if your order is late, you can indicate this by choosing the "order is late" option.

After selecting the issue type, a connection will be established with a customer experience agent. Before proceeding further, it is advisable to share any additional information that might be relevant to your concern. This will help the agent better understand your situation and provide appropriate assistance.

It is worth noting that does not offer phone support, email support, or a support forum with tickets. Therefore, the live support chat feature is the primary method of contacting their support team.

In case you have common queries or require general information, provides a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section within the app. Here, you can browse through the existing FAQ entries to find answers to common concerns without engaging in live support.

Should the FAQ section not address your specific issue, you can fill out a form within the app to submit a message to the support team. This serves as an alternative method of communication that allows you to convey your problem or inquiry effectively.

It is essential to have realistic expectations when seeking support through the app. Users have reported issues such as late or undelivered orders, as well as slow and unresponsive support. Keep in mind that is still in active development and is currently only available in the United States and Canada. Though it is a promising app, it is not yet perfect.

Nevertheless, if you have successfully received orders and generated revenue through the app, congratulations on your achievement! Despite its imperfections, this app provides an opportunity for users to explore innovative e-commerce features and capitalize on their entrepreneurial endeavors.

In conclusion, reaching out to support in the app can be done through the live support chat feature or by accessing the FAQ section and submitting a message. Stay patient and provide all relevant information to expedite the resolution of any issues you may encounter. Remember, while the app may still have limitations, it offers a promising platform for individuals looking to establish an online business.

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