How to create a VOICE LINK and SEND A VOICE MESSAGE in NGL app?

The NGL app has been making waves recently for its unique features that allow users to send anonymous voice messages. If you're wondering how to create a voice link and send a voice message in the app, look no further. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps.

To start, open the NGL app on your phone and tap the "Go to the manual" button on the homepage. Swipe to the right until you find the "Voice AI" option and tap on it. This will allow you to send anonymous AI voice messages.

Next, you will notice that your link has now changed to the "voice NGL link". Simply copy the link and then proceed to share it. You can share it on any platform or app that allows links to be shared.

If you want to share your voice message on Instagram, you can do that too. First, create a story on your Instagram account. Then, tap on the sticker icon and select the link icon. Paste the URL of your voice link and voila! Your voice message is now part of your Instagram story.

There is a template bug in the app currently, but don't worry, you can select any celebrity voice available from a huge list in the app. If you want to send a message as Barack Obama, select his voice and record your message. It will be instantly delivered to the recipient.

What's great about this feature is that it’s completely free, and you do not need to upgrade to access the voice link and voice message features. So, go ahead and try it out for yourself. The possibilities of sending anonymous voice messages are endless.

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