How to DELETE YOUR PROFILE in MoneyGram app?

here is a MoneyGram app and how to delete your account in case you just want to delete all your data and your account from the app just tap on Three Dots and talk right and then you have no you have FAQ section here and then you can see managing my account and then how to delete your profile so just tap here so yeah due to a certain regulatory requirements MoneyGram is subject to your profile may be required to be retained for a certain period of time to submit a profile deletion request just click here and then your profile uh so what it says here so you need to con complete this form I am customer Quest time correct update so here you have all the types of issues pretty hard actually to delete my personal information probably then just just write the delete my account to make them that's clearer to them first name last name phone number email resident of each state and then tap submit so that's what you can do here hope that's helpful

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