How to drag & drop messages from ChatGPT app?

ChatGPT app users on iPad and iOS can now conveniently drag and drop messages thanks to the latest update. While the drag and drop feature seems not to work on iOS, it functions efficiently on the iPad, making it a more convenient option than a web browser.

iPad users have the added advantage of an official full-screen mode app from ChatGPT that enables them to drag and drop messages. While users can hold and copy or select text, dragging and dropping messages can sometimes be a more effortless task, making this new feature a welcomed addition.

If you're a ChatGPT app user, all you need to do to enjoy this feature is update to the latest version of the app. Once updated, you can drag and drop messages with ease, helping you streamline your messaging experience.

In summary, the ChatGPT drag and drop feature is an exciting addition that helps users save time and effort when communicating with others. Don't hesitate to update your app today and have a better, more efficient messaging experience.

Here's a summary of how to drag and drop messages from ChatGPT app:


  1. Update the ChatGPT app to the latest version
  2. Open the ChatGPT app on your iPad
  3. Select the message you want to drag and drop
  4. Drag the message to another app or location
  5. Drop the message in its new location
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