How to know which messages are bot generated in frfr app?

If you are a user of the For Real For Real (frfr) app and you are wondering if some of the messages you receive are bot-generated, you are not alone. In this article, we will share some insights on how to identify which messages are bot messages in the frfr app.

The process of identifying bot messages in frfr app can be quite challenging, especially since the app has recently gone through some updates. However, there are some tips that can help.

Firstly, if you receive a message and you notice a red button prompt that asks you to "See who sent you this", it's likely that the message is from a real person and not a bot. However, this is not always the case, as some bots can also create prompts similar to this.

In contrast, if you receive a message with a "reply" button, this might indicate that the message is AI-generated. But again, this is not always the case, as some real people might also send messages without the "See who sent you this" prompt.

Previously, the frfr app had an easy way to distinguish between bot questions and real questions. The app would have a red button prompt for real questions, while bot questions would have a "send with love from team" message at the bottom and no red button prompt. However, this feature has been removed, making it difficult to know which messages are generated by bots and which ones aren't.

It is possible that the app developers removed this feature to improve user experience. However, this means that some bot-generated messages might slip through your radar.

Additionally, some messages might come from a single location, which might indicate bot activity. As the app is still in development, there could be bugs that cause messages to flood in from one location. So, you need to be careful with your interactions with messages coming from one location.

In conclusion, identifying which messages are bot messages in the frfr app can be quite challenging at the moment. While there are some guidelines that can help, there is no foolproof method to know which messages are generated by bots and which ones aren't. The app is still developing and undergoing updates, so there might be some issues you need to be aware of before upgrading to Platinum. Just be mindful of the messages you receive, especially those that might be indicative of bot activity, and use your judgment accordingly.

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