How to select a specific friend in Airbuds widget?

The AirBuds widget is a handy feature available in iOS 16 or iPhone 8 and later. It allows users to quickly switch between different friends when using their AirPods. However, some users may be confused as to how to select a specific friend in the widget. Here's a quick guide to help you out.

First, you need to have friends added in the Find My app. You can do this by navigating to the app, selecting the "People" tab, and tapping "Share My Location" to invite friends. Once you have some friends added, you can proceed to add the widget to your Home Screen.

To add the widget, long-press on your Home Screen until the app icons start jiggling. Then, tap the "+" icon on the top-left corner of the screen, select "AirBuds" from the list of widgets, and choose the widget size you prefer.

Now that you have the widget added to your Home Screen, you can use it to switch between friends when using your AirPods. By default, the widget will display "Everybody" - this means all your friends who have shared their location with you will be included in the rotation.

To select a specific friend, you need to tap on the widget to expand it. This will bring up a list of your friends. From there, you can tap on the friend's name you want to select, and they will be added to the rotation.

It's worth noting that you can only have one friend selected at a time. If you want to switch to a different friend, you need to expand the widget again and select a new friend from the list.

In summary, to select a specific friend in the AirBuds widget:

  1. Add friends in the Find My app
  2. Add the widget to your Home Screen
  3. Tap on the widget to expand it
  4. Select a friend from the list

With these steps, you should be able to easily select the friend you want to use with your AirPods. Happy listening!

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