How to set a Snap Streak reminder with SnapChat+?

Snapchat Plus offers a convenient feature that allows premium subscribers to set a Snapstreak reminder. If you're unfamiliar with Snapstreaks, they are those consecutive days of exchanging snaps with a friend on Snapchat. These streaks often become a fun and competitive aspect of the app, and sometimes it's easy to forget to keep them going. That's where the Snapstreak reminder comes in.

To set a Snapstreak reminder with Snapchat Plus, follow these simple steps:

  1. First, go to your profile on Snapchat Plus. You can access your profile by tapping on your avatar icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Once you're on your profile page, look for the Snapchat Plus membership card. Tap on it to open the premium features.
  3. Among the premium features, you'll find "Snapstreak reminders." Tap on it to access the settings for Snapstreak reminders.
  4. In the Snapstreak reminders settings, you'll see a list of your ongoing streaks. Toggle on the reminder for the streaks you want to receive notifications about.
  5. Now, every time a Snapstreak is about to expire, Snapchat Plus will send you a notification reminder one hour before its expiration. This way, you can ensure that you don't break any streaks accidentally.
  6. If you want to manage individual reminders for specific streaks, you can do so from your chat feed. Press and hold on the friend's name or chat bubble for whom you want to modify the reminder settings. Then, toggle the Snapstreak reminder on or off as per your preference.

Remember, for the Snapstreak reminders to work, you need to enable notifications for Snapchat on your device. If you haven't done so already, you can follow the instructions provided by Snapchat Plus to enable notifications.

Overall, this Snapstreak reminder feature offered by Snapchat Plus is a useful tool for avid Snapchat users who want to keep their streaks going. By setting up reminders, you ensure that you stay on top of your Snapstreaks and maintain your connections with friends on the app.

So, if you're a Snapchat Plus premium subscriber, make sure to take advantage of this feature and never miss out on any exciting Snapstreak again. Just follow the steps provided, toggle the reminders on or off, and let the app take care of the rest. Happy snapping!

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