How to share archived pics in Lapse app?

In a recent video transcript, the Lapse app demonstrated how users can easily share their archived photos. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this within the app:

  1. Open the Lapse app and tap on the bottom left corner to view your snaps.
  2. To archive a snap, simply tap and hold on the desired photo. Upon doing so, you will see the snap and the option to swipe left to archive it or swipe right to share it.
  3. Swipe left to archive the photo. Remember that you can always undo this action by tapping on the top right corner.
  4. Once you have archived an image, tapping on it will display the archived photo.
  5. To share the archived photo, navigate to your album within the app.
  6. From there, tap on the "Add" button to add a snap.
  7. Select the archived photo you wish to share.
  8. If you visit your profile, you will see that the image has been added to your album, which will also be reflected in your activity.
  9. Additionally, you can go to specific months in your journal and add archived photos to them as well.
  10. To generate photos for specific months, it is important to have other non-archived snaps shared within that month.
  11. Tap on the three dots, select the desired album, and add the archived image to it. Remember that the archived image should be from the same month as the cover photo.
  12. By following these steps, you will successfully share archived photos on the Lapse app. Even if the photo is archived, it will still appear in your activity and journal.

The Lapse app allows users to conveniently manage and share their photos, ensuring that no memories are lost or forgotten. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive features, Lapse proves to be a great choice for organizing and preserving your photo gallery. Give it a try and start sharing your archived snaps with ease!

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