How to share Locket Link on Instagram Story?

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of sharing a Locket Link on your Instagram Story. To begin, make sure you have the Locket app and the Instagram app installed on your device, and that you are logged into your accounts.

  1. Open the Locket app and tap on your profile icon in the top left corner.
  2. If you simply tap "share Locket" and proceed to share a specific image from your history, you will only be sharing the image without the link. To share the link to your Locket profile, go to the settings and tap "share a Locket," as demonstrated in the video.
  3. Once you tap on "share a Locket," a link to your Locket profile will be generated, along with an image preview. You can take a screenshot of this image, and if needed, edit it to fit the dimensions of your Instagram Story background. There are other apps available that offer more advanced editing features for this purpose.
  4. After you have prepared the image, save it, and then copy the Locket link itself by tapping on the "copy" option.
  5. Open the Instagram app and create a new Story by tapping on your profile picture or swiping right from your feed.
  6. Select the prepared image as your Story background.
  7. Add a sticker or text element to your Story, and then tap on the sticker to edit it.
  8. Enter the text for the link, and paste the copied Locket link into the text field. Customize the appearance of the text as desired.
  9. Once you have set up the link, share the Story with your followers.

By following these steps, people viewing your Instagram Story will be able to click on the link and unlock your Locket content. Although the process may seem a bit convoluted, it provides a workaround to share Locket links within Instagram Stories until a more streamlined integration is available.

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