In this tutorial, we're going to explore how to use the JOURNAL BY LAPSE app. I have been playing around with this app for quite some time now, as I signed up for it a year ago. The app has undergone a few rebrands and design changes over time, from being called LAPS, then journal by LAPS, and back to LAPS again. However, it seems that the developers have finally found something that works, as the app is currently at the top of the charts and gaining popularity on TikTok.

The concept behind the app is similar to that of a disposable camera. You may be familiar with disposable plastic cameras that were trendy at parties, providing a one-time use experience similar to Polaroid cameras. Well, the JOURNAL BY LAPSE app aims to bring that experience to your iPhone while also incorporating social media elements. The app offers a wide range of Instagram-like filters, making it effortless to capture stunning photos.

One downside of the app is that creating an account can be a bit tedious. You need to invite at least five people to join, which can be frustrating for users who don't want to go through that process. It is unclear why the app introduced this barrier for new users, but it's something to consider. However, once you sign up, you'll be greeted with a sleek and intuitive interface.

To take a photo with the app, you simply open it and start capturing. The app provides options to change the zoom level, including a wide zoom option. Unlike traditional cameras, the photos you take do not instantly develop. Instead, they take about a day to develop and appear in a dark orange color. You can then hold on the screen to view previous snaps, swipe left to archive unwanted photos, or swipe right to share them on your feed.

While the app is packed with interesting features, it can still feel a bit complicated at times. There are some design elements that could be improved, and occasional bugs can be found. However, with continuous updates, it is expected that the app will only get better in the future.

In addition to taking photos, the app offers several other functionalities. For example, you can add notes, tag other users, and share your snaps on your profile. You can also undo certain actions without needing a premium subscription, and easily delete or archive unwanted photos. The app allows you to create albums, tag your favorite snaps, and even share music updates on your profile.

Managing your profile is straightforward. You can edit your personal details, display name, username, and even add emojis to your profile. Additionally, you have the option to add a bio, indicate your school or college, and even your star sign. The app allows you to change your email address or contact support if needed. There is also an inbox where you can view activity notifications, including snap reactions and friend suggestions.

One standout feature of the JOURNAL BY LAPSE app is the "featured photos" section. Here, you can discover stunning photos from other users, which can serve as inspiration for your own photography. The app provides a platform to showcase your skills and potentially get featured as well.

Overall, the JOURNAL BY LAPSE app combines elements from popular social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and B-real. It aims to attract teenagers and offers a unique journal-like experience. While the app still has some room for improvement, it is steadily gaining popularity, especially among iPhone 14 and 15 users who can fully enjoy its remarkable filters.

Please note that I am not sure if the JOURNAL BY LAPSE app is available on Android devices, as my focus has been on its features and functionality on iOS.

That's a wrap! I hope this overview of the JOURNAL BY LAPSE app has provided you with a clearer understanding of its features. If you have any additional comments or questions, feel free to leave them below. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and leave a like if you found this video helpful. Stay tuned for more exciting content in the future!

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