How to use NOW in Jagat app?

If you're looking to expand your social media usage and try out different apps, you might have come across the Jagat app. Although relatively new, it's been making the rounds in the tech community due to its unique features. One of these features is called "Now", and in this article, we will delve into what it is and how to use it.

So, what is "Now" in Jagat app? As per the app, it's "the most significant technology shift in social media since the creation of the hashtag." In simpler terms, "Now" allows the users to share their moments on the app, either by posting a photo, video, or GIF, and attaching a specific location to it.

But, how can you use the "Now" feature? It's pretty simple, and we've outlined the steps for you below:

  1. Open the Jagat app and click on the "Now" button located at the bottom of the screen.
  2. The app will ask for permission to access your camera; grant it access.
  3. You can adjust the camera zoom and capture your moment.
  4. Add a caption to your moment.
  5. Create a new location by clicking on "Add a location", or pick a nearby location from the options provided by the app. You can also attach your current location or discard it if you don't want to share it.
  6. Select your privacy settings. You can choose to share your "Now" moment with everyone on the app, only your friends, or select contacts.
  7. Hit the "Send" button, and you're all set! Your "Now" moment has been posted.

One notable feature of "Now" is "Radar." If you toggle it on, the app will allow you to see nearby "Now" moments posted by other users within 50 kilometers. But this feature's effectiveness depends on the location you're in and the app's popularity in that region.

Jagat app's "Now" feature is an innovative way to connect with your friends and share your daily moments. Plus, you can explore other's "Now" moments and find exciting things to do in your area. So, give it a try and see how it works for you!

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